The Rental Application Process
We recommend that all applicants view the home prior to submitting an application. Application fees are non refundable. It is $55.00 per application per adult. If pets are allowed there is a $150.00 non refundable pet fee per pet. Regarding dogs we do not allow aggressive breeds; Dobermans, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Pitt Bulls, American Bulldogs, Chows, Staffordshire Terriers, Presa Canarios, Akitas, Cane Corsos, Wolf hybrids or mixtures of the above breeds. If the applicant is approved the applicant will need to pay the security deposit (equal to one months rent) within 24 hours of approval. The homes are rented in the current condition without any additional improvements. We do not accept roommates. Roommates are 3 or more Tenants that are not related. We will allow up to 2 Tenants that are not related.
What do we look for during the application process?
Your income needs to be at least 3 times the rental amount. Suitable proof of income will be required.
Each applicant needs to have a 600 or higher credit score.
No evictions or landlord debt in the past 4 years.
No violent felonies. No felonies in the past 7 years. No violent misdemeanors. Any criminal charge in the past 5 years could cause a denial.